Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Replica of Shroud of Turin at Bristol, PA

Just a reminder: The replica of the Shroud of Turin is on display at Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church (St. Mary's) in Bristol, PA. (March 24 - April 6, 2013)

A quote from St. Mary's website, "This year our church is being blessed during Holy Week, the day of Easter, and Bright Week following the day of our Lord's glorious Resurrection from the dead; to have a Vatican approved Replica of the Shroud of Turin that belongs to our Archeparchy of Philadelphia to be present with us."  Please contact Rev. Maslak for more information about the Replica of the Shroud of Turin in Bristol, PA at 215-788-7117.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Paschal Schedule 2013

Parish Schedules of Liturgical Services for Flowery Sunday, Great Week and the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Flowery Sunday, Great Week and the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord is the most solemn and spiritually enriching season of our liturgical year and our church services help us to relive these Divine events in the history of human salvation.  Attached are the services in our parishes of our Philadelphia Archeparchy.  You are invited to join with our parish families in giving praise, glory and thanksgiving to God during this holy paschal season.  May you have a Holy and Joyful Pascha.

The parish schedule is posted on our website at the following link: 

Thank you.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pope Francis - the Gospel in Greek - Rev. Deacon Valter Volochen

A video on YouTube of Reverend Deacon Valter Volochen, Stamford Eparchy, proclaiming the Holy Gospel in Greek at the Inaugural Mass of the Pontificate of Pope Francis at the Vatican on March 19, 2013. 


Here is an excerpt from an article in "Sower" where Reverend Deacon Valter Volochen spoke about his call to the priesthood.

Upon much reflection on my call to the priesthood, I entered the novitiate of the Basilian Fathers in Ivai, and, in 2003, I was invited to come to the United States to study at St. Josaphat Monastery, in Glen Cove, NY. In that same year, I was accepted by Bishop Basil Losten to pursue my philosophical studies at St. Basil College Seminary in Stamford, CT. After my graduation in 2007, Bishop Paul P. Chomnysky, OSBM sent me to Rome, Italy, to receive my theological education at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). Residing at the Pontifical Greek College of St. Athanasius, in Rome, I am currently pursuing a licentiate degree in Moral Theology at the Alphonsian Academy, a Graduate Institute of Moral Theology.

As a child, during a catechetical education session, I was asked what I would like to do as an adult. I quickly gave the answer “I would like to be a priest,” without realizing how important my answer was. Some years later, I felt God calling me in different ways, through different people and events in my life, especially by the good example of my parish priest. During my years at the minor seminary, I was exposed to the spiritual and liturgical life of the Byzantine Church. This experience inspired me to enter the monastic life, where my vocation to the priesthood was nourished.

During the past years, my spiritual journey has been enriched and strengthened by my seminary formation and my ordination to the Minor Orders, in 2009. As I am ordained to the Order of Deacon, on the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Theotokos, this October 2011, and reflect on my life and vocation, I realize how many blessings and how much joy and fulfillment my answer to God’s call has brought to my life.

I pray that the Holy Spirit continue guiding my steps as I minister to God’s people in the Eparchy of Stamford, and that the Lord send more laborers for the harvest, for “the harvest is great and the workers are few.” 

You can read more on Reverend Deacon Valter Volochen on page 4 of the October 23, 2011 issue of "Sower." http://stamforddio.org/wa_files/Sower_20October_202011.pdf

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Inaugural Mass of the Pontificate

Attached is the link to the video for the Inaugural Mass of the Pontificate of Pope Francis.

You can see His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk at the 0:43:12 and the 2:27:56 mark on the YouTube video.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Video from Romereports website in English summarizing election of Pope Francis

Francis I to faithful: pray for me, trust in me



(Just a reminder from "The Way": the Pope's Title is Pope Francis (not Francis I).

VIS article summary from March 13, 2013

Here is a link to a VIS Blog article that summarizes Cardinal Bergoglio becoming Pope Frances on March 13, 2013.


Habemus Papam, Franciscus

Here is the entire video -- from the white smoke -- to the greeting by Pope Francis on March 13, 2013 posted on the Vatican's YouTube page.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

'Habemus Papam': Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is the new Pope of the Catholic Church

'Habemus Papam': Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is the new Pope of the Catholic Church

Watch a video of the moment Pope Francis appeared on the balcony window on the Rome Reports Website.


Pope Francis

Habemus Papam! The new Pope is Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina! He has chosen the name Francis

Pope Francis 

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/VaticanRadioEnglish

Новий Папа

Новий Папа обрав ім’я Франциск

Хорхе Маріо Бергольо, SJ народився 17 грудня 1936 р.
Джерело РІСУ

Ним став аргентинський кардинал-єзуїт з Буенос-Айреса 76-ти річний Хорхе Бергольо. Про це сповістив кардинал-протодиякон Римо-Католицької Церкви Жан-Луї Торан, вийшовши на балкон Собору св. Петра, щоб вимовити знамениту латинську фразу ''Habemus papam'' (У нас є Папа) і оголосив його ім’я Франциск. Це перший Папа єзуїт.
Хорхе Маріо Бергольо, SJ народився 17 грудня 1936 р.. До свого обрання він обіймав посаду аргентинського кардинал Римо-Католицької церкви. Він служив архиєпископом Буенос-Айресі з 1998 року. Був зведений в колегію кардиналів в 2001 році. 
На балкон головного католицького храму світу винесли хрест і новообраний понтифік з'явився перед віруючими, щоб виголосити традиційне благословення'' Urbi et Orbi'' (Місту і світу).
Хорхе Бергольо народився в Буенос-Айресі. Він один з п'яти дітей італійського працівника залізниці. Після навчання в семінарії в Villa Девото, він вступив до Товариства Ісуса 11 березня 1958. Бергольо отримав ліценціат філософії в Колегії Максимо Сан-Хосе в Сан-Мігель, а потім викладав літературу і психологію в Colegio-де-ла Inmaculada в Санта-Фе, і Колегії дель-Сальвадор в Буенос-Айресі.  Він був висвячений на священика 13 грудня 1969.
Як кардинал, Бергольо був призначений на ряд адміністративних посад в Римській курії. Він служив у Конгрегації духовенства, Конгрегації богослужіння і таїнств, Конгрегації інститутів посвяченого життя і Конгрегація товариств апостольського життя. Бергольо став членом Комісії з Латинської Америки та сімейної ради.
8 листопада 2005, Бергольо був обраний президентом Аргентинської єпископської конференції на трирічний термін (2005-2008 роки). Був переобраний 11 листопада 2008.
13 березня 2013 року обраний Папою Римським.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pysanka Workshop in Washington, DC

30th Annual Pysanka Workshop 
Basic Pysanka-Making for Everyone! 

 Date: March 17, 2013 On-Site Registration: 1:00-2:00 pm

Time: 2:00-5:00 pm

Location: Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family 4250 Harewood Road, NE (across from Catholic University, plenty of parking) Washington, DC 20017

Cost: $20.00 per person / $12.00 children 12 & under

This workshop, conducted since 1983 by Jurij Dobczansky, is designed as an introduction to the basic techniques of pysanka-making for beginners. People of all ages can attend this workshop, but we do ask that all children, 12 and under, be under adult supervision. Even if you are familiar with pysanka-making, this workshop can provide you with the perfect opportunity to create a pysanka, despite your busy schedule, in one afternoon, just in time for Easter. Barring accidents, everyone walks out with at least one pysanka of their own creation!!

The workshop begins with a slide show that explains some of the symbolism of Ukrainian pysanky and gives a step-by-step overview of the pysanka-making process. A small kit, which includes a kystka (stylus), beeswax and suggested designs, is yours to take home. You will be provided with eggs, candles, and dyes. Jurij and several volunteers from the community will be there to answer questions, guide, and assist you at any time.

 Filling out the pre-registration form on Holy Family’s Website http://www.ucns-holyfamily.org/docs/Workshop2013_Registration.pdf    or calling the Shrine at 202-526-3737 will help us gauge the number of people attending. You may also register on-site just before the workshop. Payment can be made on-site by cash, check or credit card.

Additional books and pysanka kits will also be available for purchase.

Conference in Jenkintown, PA

First conference on “Christ Our Pascha”

The Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great are sponsoring the first in a series of workshops on the new Catechism of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic entitled “Christ Our Pascha”. The first conference “Theology and Catechetical Teaching in St. Basil’s Anaphora” will be held on March 16, 2013 at 9:30 AM in the Basilian Spirituality Center in Jenkintown, PA. The conference will be given by Rev. Dr. Oleh Kindiy, a Fulbright Scholar. Rev. Dr. Kindiy received his Ph.D. in Theology from The Catholic University of America (CUA), Washington, DC and his Master of Theology (equivalent) from the L’viv Theological Academy (LTA), L’viv, Ukraine. He co-translated the “Didache” from Greek into Ukrainian which included the historical and theological commentary with translation.

The central idea of our Catechism, Christ Our Pascha, is that the source of our Christian life of Faith in the Risen Christ. In the liturgical language of our Church we participate in the Passover of Christ hence in the new life in Christ. This new life grows to maturity in spiritual development and moral effort. Therefore there are two fundamental resources for understanding this catechism. They are the Nicene Creed and the liturgical anaphora of St Basil the Great.

There are three parts to this catechism: the faith of the Church, the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church (the Prayer of the Church) and the spiritual and moral dimensions of the Church (the Life of the Church). Saint Basil’s Anaphora gives a rather full account of the history of salvation culminating in the resurrection and in this way the main truths of the Christian faith are elaborated. These truths along with the Creed constitute the first part of the Catechism.

This first workshop will focus on St. Basil’s Anaphora which is the foundation for the entire Catechism. The workshop is free to participants but donations will be accepted.  In keeping with the simplicity of the Great Fast we ask participants to bring their own lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.  For more information call or email Sr. Ann Laszok, OSBM at 412-260-1607 or srannl@aol.com

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

LUC Lenten Retreat -- Sloatsburg, NY

Dear Pastors, All Faithful, LUC Members and Friends:

In this Year of Faith, the League of Ukrainian Catholics, continues its religious purpose, to promote personal sanctification and it invites all parishioners, families, friends and anyone looking to spend time in prayer during the Great Fast, to come and participate in this our Annual Lenten Retreat scheduled for the week end of March 15, 16, 17, 2013 being held at St. Mary’s Villa Retreat and Education Center, Sloatsburg, NY.

This year the theme being presented is “Journey of Bread – Transformed and Deified”.  Take a kernel of corn or any single grain in your hand. Imagine the phenomenal difference between this and a field ready for harvest.  It’s just a shadow of how Our Lord Jesus, through the Heavenly King, desires to transform, yes divinize us in His Holy Mysteries.  We will embark on that journey of divinization during this retreat. Glorify God. This retreat is open to anyone who feels the need to spend some time away from their everyday activity in prayer and reflection.

Our retreat master comes to us from Buffalo, New York.  Rev. Czelaw Michal Krysa, SLD, is a priest of the Diocese of Buffalo where he presently teaches at Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, NY, directs the Buffalo Diocesan Office of Divine Worship and is Rector of the Church of St. Casimir in Kaisertown, (Buffalo), NY.  Fr. Krysa has received bi-ritual faculties under the Eparch of Stamford, CT.

The cost is $175 per person, which covers the cost of lodging for Friday night through Sunday and meals and snacks for Saturday and Sunday.  REMEMBER: NO MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED ON FRIDAY EVENING.

DEADLINE:   MARCH 11,  2013


For more information on how to register please contact:
Phone:   201-843-3960 or   Email  mc.hrubec (at) att.net or omfaryna(at) aol.com (Sr. Olga)
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