Thursday, September 29, 2011

Respect Life Month

Cardinal DiNardo Issues Respect Life Month Statement

Read the article on the USCCB website at...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Major-Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk visits Chicago

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head Visits USA


Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Patriarch Sviatoslav is making his first pastoral trip to the United States. The hierarch is visiting Chicago where he participates in the celebratory events on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Eparchy of St. Nicholas of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Source >RISU

Monday, September 26, 2011

Ascension Manor First Computer Graduation

Ascension Manor held it's First Computer Graduation on September 16, 2011. Below are pictures and a video from the Graduation!

(click on picture to enlarge photo)

Mistress of Ceremonies: Annie Foster

Invocation: Msgr. Peter Waslo

Welcome: John Siwak (Site Manager)

Guest Speaker: State Rep. Curtis Thomas

Presentation of Certificates: Rosa Cruz (Social Services Coordinator/Computer Facilitator)


Congratulations to the Graduates!

We are all very proud of your accomplishment!

Ascension Manor is a Senior Citizen Apartment Complex for people 62 and older located in Philadelphia. It is under the direction of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. For more information on Ascension Manor please call 215-922-1116. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Visit to Philadelphia


On Sunday, November 13th, a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 2:30PM at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception with the clergy and faithful of the Archeparchy.Following the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, a reception will be held at the Liberty View Ballroom in the Independence Visitor Center (6th and Market Streets). The reception will be from 6:00PM-9:00PM. The cost for the reception is $100.00 per person. Tickets may be purchased from the Archeparchy of Philadelphia by mail or through PayPal© on the Archeparchy of Philadelphia website. Round-trip transportation by trolley from the Cathedral to the Independence Center will be provided during that time.


Блаженніший, Кир Святослав Шевчук, відвідає ФіладельфіюУ неділю, 13 листопада, в Катедрі Непорочного Зачаття о 2:30 дня буде відслужена Архиєрейська Божественна Літургія в присутності духовенства та вірних. Після літургії від 6:00 до 9:00 вечора в Liberty View Ballroom in the Independence Visitor Center (на перетині 6-ої та Маркет вулиць) відбудеться прийняття. Вартість квитка на прийняття – 100 доларів від особи. Квитки можна придбати через пошту в Філадельфійській Архиєпархії, або через PayPal© на веб-сайті Філадельфійської Архиєпархії. В обидва кінці від Катедри до Independence Center буде організовано підвезення гостей.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 11th Remembrance at Cathedral

(Click photos to enlarge)

The 11:00 Divine Liturgy at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia, PA on 9/11/11 was in remembrance of the Victims of the September 11th tragedy in 2001. Members of the Knights of Columbus, parishioners, and friends attended the Liturgy along with Rev. Ivan Demkiv, Rev. Paul J. Makar, Deacon Charles Schultz, Deacon Michael Waak, Subdeacon Roman Oprysk, and the Missionary Sisters of the Mother of God. On display on the tetrapod was the Icon of Our Mother of Sorrows with the image of 9/11.

Video 1 = Gospel and Homily

Video 2 = Petitions during Liturgy...

Photos and Video by "The Way"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Synod of Bishops - Brazil

Synod of Bishops of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Opened in Brazil


In the city of Curitiba (Brazil), on 5 September, 2011, the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church was opened.

Source RISU


У Куритибі розпочав роботу Синод єпископів УГКЦ, який визначить стратегію розвитку Церкви до 2020 року


У роботі Синоду, що його очолив Глава УГКЦ Патріарх Святослав, беруть участь єпископи УГКЦ з України та з-за кордону (Західної Європи, США, Канади, Бразилії, Аргентини та Австралії).

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